

What is DataML™?

Our DataML™ uses the received information straight from your customer such as their name, email, phone or address, credit card number, and also collects their IP from where your customer has interacted with your web apps, Mobile application or from other source of data.

How Data is Extremely valuable for Fraud Prevention?

Our Machine Learning Model uses your existing customer data and learns from their existing behavior of how they are interacting with your business and sets precise rules as per their interaction any unauthorized or suspected activities trigger a notification that helps your management team to take necessary action.

How does it work?

When your system detects any changes from the existing information, it matches the changes form your Data base and it trigger your AI which has learned to identified good business vs Fraud Activity.

It automatically blocks unauthorized activity that occurs into your application software and protects your business. Furthermore it learns from the current fraud activity and optimizes the security level for future fraud prevention.

Industrial Applications of DataML™

Banking Sector

In the Banking industry, these sets of rules help them prevent fraud based on the average amount of data that they process daily.

Banking Sector

In the Banking industry, these sets of rules help them prevent fraud based on the average amount of data that they process daily.


With the growing demands of online shopping platforms, implementing EngineRules ML helps the organization to get rid of any fraudulent activity


With the growing demands of online shopping platforms, implementing EngineRules ML helps the organization to get rid of any fraudulent activity

Business Accounting

Often Setting up a Tailored ML helps businesses to manage the financial risks that may occur from within the organization and thus protecting the company.

Business Accounting

Often Setting up a Tailored ML helps businesses to manage the financial risks that may occur from within the organization and thus protecting the company.

International Transaction

The international payment system requires additional attention to prevent fraud. Our Tailored ML to protect the country’s economy from financial crimes.

International Transaction

The international payment system requires additional attention to prevent fraud. Our Tailored ML to protect the country’s economy from financial crimes.

Supply Chain

The supply chain is where the fraudulence often takes place and costs a company in loss of assets that are highly valuable to a business. Our tailored ML helps businesses prevent Fraud in the supply chain which is highly beneficial for your company.

Supply Chain

The supply chain is where the fraudulence often takes place and costs a company in loss of assets that are highly valuable to a business. Our tailored ML helps businesses prevent Fraud in the supply chain which is highly beneficial for your company.