Today there are more than 1.6 Billion Websites on the internet, but there are only hands full of successful websites, well we can even name them and I guess you might even know some of them, they are PayPal, Amazon, Alibaba, Yahoo, and few others.

But, have you ever wondered why these companies are successful whereas billion of other sites are drifting on the internet? If you’re looking for this answer then you’re about to discover what I have 5 years ago.

The very important things that you need to learn is that (i) what is your company trying to achieve over the internet, (ii) what products or services are you going to sell over the internet, and lastly (iii) you need understand the working of the internet technology (Just a little).

Let’s now discuss each of our points in detail

No. 1: What is your company trying to achieve over the internet

Internet is broader than you can imagine and becoming online can unleash your business potential, it is a great tool for your startups as well as for a full flagged enterprise. However, before going online you need to do your homework, that what are you trying to achieve using internet technology. For examples certain clients want to market their services, in that case, your business owner must have a full road map of your marketing plan over the internet, the marketing plan fit the best for the hospitality industry or service sectors,  some business wants to sell their products using the internet in such case you must have rigorous channel such as logistic and freights through which you can provide your clients a better service through internet technology.

There is a number business process that can go online and take advantage of the internet, however, the goal must the clear and definite

Now, Let’s come to the second point.

No. 2: What products or services are you going to sell over the internet

Today two business models exist over the internet like E-commerce such as selling products online or the services model where the companies provide services to their clients over the internet. Now you as a business owner have the products on hand and ready to sell your products online, then the website can be a great tool for its selling and marketing. If you’re in the service sector such as hospitality then coming over the internet you need to have a slightly different model to use the website, your website should be used for display or presentation of your service that can speak to your client.

If you can create such a model then you assured to have a successful website with the potential to make a large number of traffic over the internet.

Last but not least,

No. 3: You need to understand the working of internet technology

Again, we need to roll back to the very first paragraph, there are over 1.6 billion websites, but there are a handful of successful stories. We have seen the best companies with the best products or services failed, but why?

Here is the answer, the company’s founder and their team are tech-savvy, or else they are fortunate enough to found an outsourced web-development partner. Like I said the internet is vast, people today think that having a website can drag the customer to their store, but that just not true.

Before doing development, you need to know about user interface and experience that matters! Then you need to SEO (search engine optimization model), and it’s working, and finally, you need to learn about social media marketing tactics such as marketing your products on Facebook, Instagram, and google.

Well, it takes a year to master the skill, even for a tech geek, but learn this a little can help you find the best web-development partner and makes your communication great, and lead to the success of your company within a short period.